Identifying and Preventing Check Fraud

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Check Fraud is on the Rise

Today, there are billions of checks in circulation which means there is a high risk of check fraud. While there have been advancements in technology to help make check processing more secure, there is also technology that helps make committing fraud or scamming consumers and businesses easier as well. It is more important than ever that financial institutions properly train their employees to identify and prevent check fraud.

BAI has developed a document to help financial services organizations understand different types of check fraud and scams as well as provide resources on the components of a check and how to identify and prevent fraud. Key topics covered include:

  • Check structure
  • Negotiating checks
  • Check fraud tactics
  • Fake check scams
  • How to spot check fraud and scams

To learn how to properly build a training program around current check fraud tactics, download BAI’s "Identifying and Preventing Check Fraud" today!