Quick Q&A on

Intelligent Document Processing

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The data in documents, everything from emails to social media posts, can help financial institutions protect themselves from fraud or offer more personalized products and services to their customers. Intelligent document processing (IDP) can help.

Learn how your institution can benefit from IDP in the latest Quick Q&A from BAI.

Cheryl Chiodi from ABBYY shares her insights on these questions:

  • How much of a financial institution’s data is trapped in unstructured formats like email, contracts, social media posts, PDFs and images?
  • What’s the problem with keeping data stored on paper documents?
  • Personalization is banking’s Holy Grail. But what’s keeping the industry from achieving its quest?
  • How can IDP help risk officers meet Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements designed to ensure the accuracy of customer accounts?
  • What role does AI play in content intelligence?

Cheryl Chiodi
Director, Industry Marketing, Financial Services

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