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How banks and credit unions can leverage cloud-native content management systems for a competitive advantage

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Unlike a legacy enterprise content management system, a cloud-native system delivers speed and flexibility and is purpose-built for the digital age.

A cloud-native platform offers banks and credit unions a multitude of benefits such as meeting the demands of tech savvy customers, strengthening their competitive stance in the marketplace, along with adding efficiency to their operations.

In this Q&A with Larry Moscovic from Hyland Software, you’ll learn:

  • The biggest challenges and benefits for moving from legacy systems to a cloud-native content and process automation platform
  • Why there is a greater need now for better information management
  • The impact moving from a legacy to a cloud-native system on a bank’s ability to compete for talent and retain top performers
  • How a cloud-native system can enhance a bank’s or credit union’s abilities to add new processes, applications and product offerings
  • If moving to a cloud-native system can impact a financial institution’s ability to compete with fintechs

Larry Moscovic
Senior Manager, Financial Services
Hyland Software

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